Jean-Pierre Neveu

Jean-Pierre NeveuProfesseur des Universités

  • jp.neveu @


Aggégation des Universités 

Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion (Université Toulouse 1)

DEA en Sociologie (Université Toulouse 2)

Master of Labor & Industrial Relations (Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan)

Master of Arts (University of California, Santa Barbara)


Publications (sélection depuis 2006)


Neveu, J.-P., Khan, R., & Murtaza, G. (in press- 2023). Investing in resources: An interaction model of personal resources commitment, and work achievement. Journal of Personality.

Murtaza, G., Neveu, J.-P., Khan, R., & Taipur, Q. (in press- 2023). Gossip 2/0: The role of social media and moral attentiveness on counterproductive work behavior. Applied Psychology: An International Review.

Khan, R., Neveu, J.-P., & Murtaza, G., & Khan, K.U. (2022). Impact of psychological resources on employee engagement: The mediating role of positive affect and ego resilience. Sage Open, 1-12.

Khan, R., Murtaza, G., Neveu, J.-P., & Newman, A. (2022). Reciprocal relationship between workplace incivility and deviant silence – The moderating role of moral attentiveness. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 71(1), 174-196.

Khan, R., Neveu, J.P., & Murtaza, G. (2021). Is grit hurting you? The dark side of psychological resources in goal pursuit. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 70(3), 1323-1344.

Neveu, J.P., & Kakavand, B. (2019). Endangered resources: The role of organizational justice and interpersonal trust as signals for workplace corruption. Industrial Relations/Relations Industrielles, 74-3, 498-524.

Kakavand, B., Neveu, J.-P., & Teimourzadeh, A. (2019). Workplace corruption: A resource conservation perspective. Personnel Review, 49(1), 250-264.

Hobfoll, S.E., Halbesleben, J.R.B., Neveu, J.P., & Westman, M. (2018). Conservation of resources in the organizational context: The reality of resources and their consequences. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 5, 103-128.

Neveu, J.P. (2014). Suicides au travail: une gestion sous contraintes. In L. Lerouge (Ed.),Approche interdisciplinaire des risques psychosociaux au travail (pp. 259-271). Toulouse: Octarès. 

Halbesleben, J., Neveu, J.P., Paustian-Underdal, S.C., Westman, M. (2014). Getting to the “COR”: Understanding the role of resources in Conservation of Resources theory. Journal of Management, 40, 1334-1364. 

Sassi, N., & Neveu, J.P. (2014). L’agressivité au travail comme conséquence du burnout : Présentation d’un modèle théorique.In P. Zawieja, & F. Guarniéri (Eds.) Épuisement professionnel : innovations théoriques et méthodologiques. Paris : Armand Colin.

Neveu, J.P. (2013). La difficile prévention des suicides au travail. Gestion – Revue Internationale de Gestion, 37(4), 6-15. 

Gil-Monte, & Neveu, J.P. (2013). El síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo (burnout). In B. Moreno, & E. Garrosa (Eds.) (pp.155-175),Salud Laboral: riesgos psicosociales y bienestar laboral (pp.155-175),. Madrid: Pirámide.

Neveu, J.P. (2012).  Pour repenser la relation travail-santé psychologique : la théorie de préservation des ressources. In E. Abord de Chatillon & O. Bachelard (Eds.), Santé et sécurité au travail (pp. 79-87).Paris : Vuibert.

Sassi, N., & Neveu, J.P. (2010). Traduction et validation d’une nouvelle mesure d’épuisement professionnel: le Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science/Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 42, 177-184. 

Neveu, J.P. (2008). Burnout and consequences: the case of professional aggressiveness on service quality to the patient”, In J. Halbesleben (Ed.), Handbook of stress and burnout in health care (pp.152-172). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Neveu, J.P. (2007). "Jailed resources": Conservation of resources theory as applied to burnout among prison guards. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 18, 21-42.

Moreno, B., Gil-Monte, P., & Neveu, J.P. (2006). Burnout et violences au travail. In A. El Akremi, S. Guerrero, & J.-P. Neveu (Eds), Comportement organisationnel : Epuisement professionnel, Justice organisationnelle, Individus et difficultés de carrière (pp. 265-287). Bruxelles: De Boeck.


Conférences académiques (sélection depuis 2012)

Khan, R., Murtaza, G., & Neveu, J.P. (2019). Reciprocal relationship between workplace incivility and deviant silence: The moderating role of moral attentiveness. British Academy of Management – Annual Conference, Bristol UK. Best Full Paper Award, BAM 2019.

Murtaza, G., Neveu, JP, & Khan, R. (2019). Is mindfulness good for everyone? A cross-country impact on effort-reward imbalance and burnout. Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, Birmingham

Khan, R., & Neveu, J.P. (2019). Manufacturing value: A reciprocal model of work-goal attainment across cultures. Academy of Management – Annual Conference, Boston, USA.

Khan, R., Neveu, J.P., Murtaza, G. (2019). Manufacturing value: A reciprocal model of work goal attainment across cultures. Annual meeting of the Academy Of Management, Boston. August 9-13.

Neveu, J.P., & Khan, R. (2018). From personal resources to rteam innovation: The impact of climate and leadership style. Israël Organizational Behavior Conference, Tel-Aviv University, Israël. January 2-4.

Attouch, H., & Neveu, J.P. (2016). Modeling resource dynamics from a conservation of resource perspective – An application to psychological health at work. Summer Workshop in Economic Theory (SWET – Université Panthéon-Sorbonne), Paris.

Kakavand, B., & Neveu, J.P. (2016). Motivated for bad: Preserving resources through workplace corruption. Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology(31stAnnual Conference). Anaheim, CA. April 14-16.

Neveu, J.P. (2015). Suicidios y gestión de recursos humanos: una red de coacciones. Congreso International de Salud Laboral Y Prevención de Riesgos(Annual Convention).Madrid, Spain. June 18-19.

Neveu, J.P., & Veruete, M. (2015). How bad can it get?Nonlinear loss spirals in relation to work-family conflict, workload, and burnout.  Stress & Anxiety Research Society(36thAnnual Conference)? Tel Aviv, Israël. June 30-July 2nd

Dakhlaoui, A., & JP Neveu (2015). Organizational climate as a tool for occupational safety and health. In Symposium “Salutogenic approaches to occupational health management” (Co-organizer and Co-chair with Christopher Cunningham, University of Tennessee in Chattanooga).WorkStress, & Health(SOHP-APA). Atlanta, USA 

 Dakhlaoui, A., & JP Neveu (2013). The role of safety climate and safety workarounds in health professional burnout ». Work, Stress, & Health(SOHP-APA). Los Angeles, USA.

Neveu, J.P., & Veruete, M. (2013). Looking for the camel’s straw: Towards a catastrophe-based approach of burnout in relation to workload and work-family interference. Work, Stress, & Health(SOHP-APA). Los Angeles, USA.

Neveu, J.P., Attouch, H., & Abord de Chatillon, E. (2012).  Relational resources and occupational burnout – Test of a Dynamic model ». Israël Organizational Behavior Conference, Tel-Aviv University, Israël.